December Mystery Knitalong - Gnana's Visit
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Gnana's Visit - a December mystery count-down event! Joyous knitting, playful stories, and surprises.
The December mystery knitalong is so much more than just knitting. As we countdown the days of the month, you’ll get special emails – some days it will be the next step of knitting the mystery gnome, some days it will be part of the story about Gnana, or recipes, or surprise extras.
We will be counting down to the gnomish winter festival called “Longest Gnight” – the winter solstice. This means you will receive updates every day from Dec 1-21.
The pattern presales will start November 1. On that day, dyers around the world will also have yarn sets to order. If you would like to shop for your own colours or use your leftover yarn, there are tips in the Info PDF available to download once you purchase the pattern in November.
More details coming.