Gnana's Visit - December gnome countdown event

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Join the fun this December!

It’s time for the family to visit Gnana for Longest Gnight! Or is it? 
A perplexed Gnana arrives at the family’s empty cottage, ready to visit them. The pantry is empty, the house is dark, and Gnana will need to find a different way to celebrate Longest Gnight.

I love creating joy and anticipation during winter’s dark days. Preparing secrets for you makes me so happy. The December gnome countdown knitalong has become such a treasured part of the year!

How does it work?

You’ll get 21 updates during December from Dec 1-21. Some of those days you’ll open the update to find instructions to knit. The other days will bring part of our charming story, special treats, or a recipe or two for traditional gnomish delights.

There will be video tutorials for all the parts I think you might want help with. I want this to be all joy, no worries.

Because Gnana is a mystery gnome, I can't tell you much about her. The 'skills used' listed below will give you a bit of a sense of what you'll be doing, but don't get intimidated. It's all just knitting, and you'll be great at it. Plus wonkiness is gnominess.

Grab your copy on Ravelry or Payhip today! You'll get access to a PreKnitalong PDF you can download right away with all sorts of information, tips, and links. 

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